The First Step in Purchasing a Property

Whether You’re Buying Your First Home, or You’re a Seasoned Real Estate Buyer, We’ve Got You Covered


Sherpas are regarded as elite mountaineers and experts in their local terrain. They have been of immeasurable value to explorers of the Himalayan region, most popularly known to guide expeditions to climb Mt. Everest. Yes, buying a home can seem as daunting as climbing a mountain, but we are here as trained and experienced professionals, to help you navigate the unknown terrain.

Path to Homeownership

Our Step-by-Step Process


In the first step of our process, our goal is to get to know you. We want to make sure we are offering an experience and package that is 100% tailored to meet your needs. In our consultation we will go over if you’re ready to make a purchase, what questions you have regarding the process, requirements and the right path for you.


During this step, we will take a look at your income, credit score/history, employment status and briefly review other personal details to verify your eligibility. We don’t want you to be unprepared. The same way a driving instructor might want to equip their student with the skills and tools needed before hitting the road, we want to go down our checklist to make sure you really are ready for this next chapter.


After verification, we will discuss the options you have available. Our goal at this point is to help you dive deeper in your understanding of the different loans you are eligible for, and narrow them down to the best option moving forward. We want to see that you have full confidence and peace of mind at this stage in the process.


So close… Once the offer has been accepted and your mortgage is approved, its time for the fun part - documents, closing costs, proof of insurance, etc. But remember, so close to sealing the deal, the excitement will be overwhelming. Luckily, your closing agent will be there with you every step of the way. Once this part is finished, you’re officially a homeowner. Congratulations!


Even after the completion of your path to homeownership, we won’t abandon ship. We are dedicated to providing continuous council and support to all our clients. Helping you feel stability and direction throughout your homeownership career.

Loan Options

Down Payment Assistance

Down payment assistance (DPA) programs offer loans and grants that can cover part or all of a home buyer’s down payment and closing costs. We can help you find out if this program is best for you.


VA loans are available to active and veteran service personnel and their surviving spouses who apply. The benefits include generous terms, such as no down payment, no mortgage insurance, and no prepayment penalties.

Jumbo Loans

Jumbo loans are a great option for a higher-priced property. Let us help you find out if you apply!


Most popular among first time buyers, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Loans allow down payments of 3.5% with a credit score of 580 or higher.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) guaranteed loan is one of the most affordable programs available to Americans today. Let’s work together to see if you apply for 100% financing, no money down.


Conventional loans are available as fixed-rate or adjustable-rate mortgages. Find out if a Conventional loan is right for you.

Ready to Get Started?

We sincerely hope you found the information above helpful. If you have more questions, or are ready to move forward with the first step in the path to homeownership, please fill out the information below.